One Goal: Education for All

Friday, June 22, 2007


In the book of Ecclesiates it is written.. "Of making many books there is no end, and much study wearies the body." ( 12:12b)

Man is in a continuum in its search for knowledge. Researchers and scientist never retires in digging for knowledge. As they pass away, their endeavors will be kept by their survivors and again the search continues. Books, journals, newspapers and magazines...almost everything has been exposed; nevertheless the thirst for knowledge is unceasing.
But why is this tenacity? After all the researches to come are simply verifications to existing theories; nothing new just affirmation to the folks undertakings. And yet the passion never losses it value.
Some of the objectives of researches are (1.) achieve social order; (2) experience social justice; and (3.) sustain equality, all these may eventually lead to development.
Lucky are we in this generation for much of the explanations that we might need are available to our disposal; just a few minutes of browsing a book, internet or any form of technological advancement that will provide us with the needed data. We are exposed extensively to our rights and people are actually fighting for these rights maybe for preservation purposes.
After all the researches and exposition of results, why are the objectives not achieved? Why society is still experiencing distress?
Going back to what i quoted, indeed, the writing of book is endless; the intellectual discourse is limitless, only the physical bodies will hinder us to press on. But observations will lead us to conclude that all the efforts are in vain. The knowledge are going nowhere simply because goals are not attained.
So why SOCIAL CATALYST? it is an effort to utilize the publication to induced change in the society. Living in a fast paced society we tend to look at published papers simply as commodities; exist to profit us monetarily but not intellectually. Knowing that the acquisition of published articles requires our resources we should respond to them with great relevance resulting into personal and social improvement.
In economics, mismanagement of resources is a failure. We have all the needed resources as far as technology is concerned the problem lies in the utility of these resources. Hence, attainment of research purposes could be touched.

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