One Goal: Education for All

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


I have been watching Spiderman sequels. I rarely watch a film on the silver screen. I am not choosy on films but I treasure almost every peso I spend because I am very particular with my financial stewardship since I was raised in scarcity. Every time I enter a cinema for a movie I see to it that the memory of my stay will linger.

Spiderman sequel is one of those films that I really wanted to spend time with. The story is not just about heroism. It is a story of wisdom; a film with a life of its own.

Since I watched Spiderman sequel I look forward to Spiderman III to come summer of 2007 due to the observed show date of the first two; and it did not fail me. I really waited for the show date, only to find out that I can not afford to watch my much-awaited film. It was shown for a month yet chance was so scarce.

Fortunately, last August 27, I was able to watch it. Late but just in time… in time with what I am going through right now.

Spiderman III is a story of friendship and forgiveness. So far, it’s the best.

Sorry, a common term for all. Its familiarity supersedes its meaning. We say sorry to, originally, ask for forgiveness but nowadays sorry conveys compliance, maybe to social norm; it’s ought to be done; thus, the essence of forgiveness was robbed. Following this path, the current condition may breed bitterness because the act lacks sincerity and truthfulness.

The word sorry is commonly responded it’s OK or its fine, which may symbolize vagueness.
Spiderman’s release of forgiveness brought freedom to Sandman. Although, Sandman did not directly beg for forgiveness (meaning did not say sorry) the expression of remorse was sincere and it touches the soul.

I envy the scene. Sometimes, the perceived shallowness of the mistake makes asking for forgiveness compliance to the prevailing norm and the response was literally a response. Asking for forgiveness and releasing forgiveness are the two most difficult things to do in life, especially when the situations have devastated the inmost being; events that caused bitterness, resentment and/or anger. Nevertheless, asking for and releasing forgiveness brings freedom and empowerment to an individual.

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